domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Other blogs

I´ve seen a lot of blogs but the one i liked the most was the blog of Daniel Botero (, because is very organized and his posts are really nice, he say very apropiate things. But the blog of Santiago Carvajal ( is also very good.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Little work about the girls exposition

Well i think the most offensive one is Simbad, followed by Slug, Gregory in the third position and abigail in fourth and last one Ivan.

And the reprehensible conduct i think would be something like this: 1.Simbad, 2.Ivan, 3.Slug, 4.Gregory, 5.Abigail.

Very short post but is a very short activity :D

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Legal ¿"Person"?

The wednesday in class the teach show us a movie called "The Corporation" and told us to answer a question of it; i chose: Should corporations be entitled to the same legal rights as individuals ? Where Should the line be drawn ?

I think the corporations twisted their way, and the just have some hidden harm within themselves, they just look for more productivity and more products per man hour. The corporations as a “person”, have no moral (conscience), are an immortal thing and only seek for short term profit, in this part you are probably starting to get my point, as a popular Swedish adage sais “power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely”. To solve this, the corporations should have clear and visible stipulations and regulations, less freedom and rights to do whatever they want and more severe punishment to their corrupt and twisted view of the world.

For example, the environmental impact, is a case in which the corporations doesn´t have any regulations, I mean, doesn´t have any strict and very high obligatory regulation, the corporations always do what they want at the end of the day, in my point of view, the law should put some high rules and standards and bind their action field.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

¿Relation between national identity and corporate culture?

Well, i understand the national identity as a creation of the institutions of the state like the law, the education system, the media, etc. and it is different from country to country.

The national identity can modify the corporate culture making it more compatible with the national identity, if the enterprise doesn´t modify it, it might not have succes in the country because, the people, used to what they learned from the institutions of the state might not like what the enterprise bring and it makes the company fail.

There is and existent relation between this two concepts, one surrounds the other and make it more changeable and flexible.