lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010


From your own point of view it useful to say "Sorry" after years of wrong policies towards a minority? Why, What else is needed?

Photo: Michael Davies, Flickr

This is a delicate isue, but i think that just saying sorry is not enought, the stolen generation was part of the oldest cultures of the history of Australia, and they stole not just people, they took away much more, like the identity of the people, they human rights, the heritage, entire families, native languages, and i can make this post out of bad and missing things.

¿how can you wipe that up?

But at least they recognize the wrong that they did, but that doesnt take the harm away, is somethig that England or United States havent done. This is a "part of the healling of the nation" and it tried to give equal oportunities to all, making the life spectancy, education achievement, economic oportunity the same for all (at least is what Kevin Rudd said).

Say sorry by part of the government has to be also matched with economical aid and educational programs to make the "aboriginies" a functional part of the society, but that is not what is going on, the native australians, live in extreme poverty and with social exclution. The goverment havent fullfiled they ¿¡"sorry"!? yet.

Please let me know what you think about this isue in the comments below.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think you are right when you say that at least Australia is on the right track but it definately has to be backked up by policies!

  2. I totally agree with you Mauricio. It is important that the Australian government recognizes its mistake, but that wouldn´t repair the aboriginal´s pain unless concrete social and economic policies take place in order to improve their difficult situation
