sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010


Sorry for the colors and the letter style of the entries but is my first time blogging and its very hard to do it. :S

Try to ignore it. XD

Average sales person in Colombia

Before i start i must clarify that all im saying is from my own point of view and my personal experiences.

As we can see in Hofstede analysis the individualism of colombian people, including the bussines man, is very low, we lake to work in groups and support each other; the power distance is very high, it means that we dont need always a boss that tells us what to do and what not to.

In the part of "role of stress", we always avoid conflict, since we tent to work on groups, the conflict rate is very low and we have the information to do what we need to do, that is whay the "role of ambiguity" is very low too. The Colombian sales-people is people very preparated in resolution of conflicts and tend to be more independent and open-minded .

About the Leadership Behaviour, the average sales-person in Colombia is vey bad, because we most of the time think in our own good, even tought we work in groups. The two evaluation categories of consideration and initiation to structure we practice them in the organisations for education but not because of true leadership skills.

Finaly the organizational commitment of the Colombian people (including obviously sales-people) is very high due to the love we develop in the organisations, it can be for the rewards, fear to lose what we have achieved, the people we know, even the boss, etc; anyway we tend to work in the same organisation for "life".

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